15 October 2008

Little chatterbox

It might be a bit early to start this blog, as Julia is still not speaking any specific language but her own. Indeed my decisions are quite often premature, but the reason for that is so I have an opportunity to think/register every little (and sometimes seemingly meaningless) language development of Julia. I am sure they will add to something interesting later on, and show us lessons in terms of what is and what isn't meaningful.

I read in different places, and the Pediatrician confirmed, that children who is bi/tri/multilingual tend to speak later. It seems to me they need more time to absorbe information and understand that there are different ways of saying the same thing, and different receivers for each way. So I am quite impressed with the little chatterbox we have at home. Although the dialogues are sequences of baba-dada-mama--therefore not really comprehensable--, she has clear intentions. I think the video below shows that quite well. I wasn't expecting it so early, she started with 6 months.

So now I wonder which language she will choose for her chatterbox routine... or will she choose one?

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Oi Cla! Adorei esse blog! Sabia que eu fiz parte de uma pesquisa sobre criancas bilingues? Quando eu tinha 2 anos de idade... a minha mae tinha que escrever todas as palavras que eu aprendia em ingles e portugues durante um ano...
