13 April 2009

expanding the vocabulary?

for the sake of documenting, here are some new "words":
"au-au" for dog
"quack quack" for ducks
"nana" for banana
"caca" for poo (in Portuguese)

I'm not sure how it should be, but I think she is not evolving much on her vocabulary, I see other kids her age saying more "real" words, like "thank you". But it does not worry me at all. I'm happy to see that she understands a lot in both languages. Body parts, books, toys in general, i.e. "choose a book" or "where is your armpit" and she answers correctly both in English and Portuguese. For some words I've noticed she answers correctly in Oshwambo as well. And she looks really intrigued when I greet Maria in Oshwambo - as if asking "how come?!".